2010年4月28日 星期三

Week7---The Slideshare

I was in school placement on Wednesday. The mentor teacher taught the Homophone and had a go with learners. I found out that was so interesting. Since I was on the slide share part, I thought I could use this topic to make a slide share. I think that is a good way to share knowledge with every one.

2010年4月27日 星期二

Building Word Awareness

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
This is not mine idea, but I think that is a good presentation to share knowledge with us. I love this slideshare.

2010年4月24日 星期六

Week 7 -- Come travel with the Google Earth

Wow... Yes, we no longer get lost because of Google Earth and The image of Flicker.

All right, now come with me to explore my country. Welcome to Taiwan.

Here you go....

Figure 1-- The shape of Taiwan's map looks like a sweet potato which is located in the The capital of Taiwan is called Taipei.

Figure 2 --The international Airport of Taiwan. There are two terminals. It can be seen the image is the building of Terminal 2.

Figure 3 -- The Taipei Railway Station

Figure 4--The Chiang Kai-Sheik Memorial Hall
It is a place where people can spend the spare time with their family, and also it is a place where the professional can show their performance.

Figure 5 - The 101 Architecture
Taipei 101 used to the tallest of building in the world before 2007, known as the Taipei Financial Centre.

I did a Taiwan Tour via Google Earth, but I don't know how I post the File to my Blog

This Taiwan Tour File is just like It has shown on this Bolg, but It was created with 3D vision.

I have no idea!!!!

2010年4月22日 星期四

Wee5&6---The Interative Whiteboard

I love this technology of Interactive Whiteboard. How amazing it is!!

It is a absolutely great idea to assist children learning.

See a presentation about the Interactive whiteboard.

Once we have known this technological thing in the class, it can be fun to share a lot of knowledge with students.

we can use this to teach literacy and numeracy.

Demo 2 in numeracy

Here one example for literacy.

It is really fun. This is 21st-century of teacher education. Creation and Integration are driving the 21st-century of teacher education, obviously, the interactive whiteboard is playing the vital role in the 21st-century of teacher education.

No mater how old we are, we have to learn the new technology. I am fascinating about this technology. Do you stay still to resist the new technology? Or you have already to step forward to act as a learner.

2010年4月21日 星期三

Week5&6--The new technology assist stident's learning

On this Wednesday, I went to do my placement. The mentor teacher brought one issue that in the class some children are struggling with reading difficulty. The mentor teacher hope me focus on one child and one by one support the child who has the reading disability.

Since I am doing this unit on line, I think I might work out some ideas to assist this student' reading difficulty via technology (you tube, image and video etc.).

I browsed what is the reading difficulty which could be diagnosed 'Dyslexia'

Now as we know what is the dyslexia, and experts suggest some approaches to assist those children who have reading difficulty- Combine the sound of alphabet allow child to pronounce the big words.

Like Phonics is the way to help them.

The process of Using Phonics is that decode each letters and then encode the letter into words, but before this, we have to let the child is familiar with the sound of each alphabet.

The next step is that the child must know the sound of blending consonants and the spelling rules. Some example as follows.

All the consonant blends have been familiar with the child, it can be given some games to the child to assess his/her learning, such as using the mini phonics cards.

How do you do? Using the watch stop in a certain time and see how many seconds the child has achieved.

Figure 1 from Flicker.

And also, the last but not the least, find short reading to allow the child to have a go in the limited time. The reading can be any topics. Example as follows:

Figures 2 From the Website: http://www.funphonics.com/Index.htm FUN PHONICS,Children, Today's Joy!

Once, the child has been built the confidence, subsequently, the reading paragraph can be added.

2010年4月17日 星期六

Week 4 - the Voki

Ha... Not too bad, I made my own Voki. The technology make me so much fun. I can imagine if we use technological tools into the class everyday appropriately, the pupil will not get bored. And then they would like to get involved in the class. 'No child left behind' is not a slogan, it will be achieved by technological tools.

As the future teacher, I feel lucky because we still can learn those technologies now, in turn, using those knowledge to help the learners. As my point of view, Student can use the Voki in the Blog or Wiki to present their idea. Or making the own story of learning process to show to their peers.

Please look at the two Vokis:

Week3 --- PBL(project-based Learning)

Huh....There is so much fun about the PBL. As we know the PBL- Project Based Learning, is a student-centered approach, students learn throght the teamwork. The teacher give student topic, and student start to find the information which is provided by teacher. Students then start to design their project based on the kowledge. Once the design has been done. Students will present thier project to experts. And students will participate in authentic environment to extend their learning. After that students will report their learning to be assessed. How wonderful it is!!.

Looking back my age of Learning, it was horrible time I really would not like to think back again. It was being given too much homework, too many tasks which I have to be done on time. Quizzes was being held everyday. The teachers were so much powerful toward every student. Students were like the puppet of teacher who drag students to this way, none could have a voice said 'NO'. The performance of each student was valued by their score. The higher score of students means the good performance and behaviour in school, conversely, the lower score of students were told the poor performance and behaviour in school. The development of self-esteem of students were suppressed, and also the feeling of students were not being respected.

PBL and new technology tools endue the 21st-century of education with a new prospection.

How am I use the PBL to assist pupil's learning?

First, I should organise a good topic for the pupils, such as cooking a meal. Students find the information to make their own recipe--what meal should they chose? What source should they use? What ingredient should they look at? etc.

Second, the basic project of cooking a meal have been finished, in turn, students will present their idea to the chef of the restaurant. Students then and chief work together to finish the project.

Third, the students report their feedback to this project.

Teachers in here are just like facilitators and also be learners to learn from students and chefs.

Please have a look this video:

Week 3 - The Web 2.0 and The ICTs

.....I am so out of the date about the technologies things. Why do I say that? Because I don't know what is the web 2.0 and what is the ICTs, now I've found out what these are.

The terms of ' Web 2.0' based on the idea of the 'Web1.0', but there is a big different between Web2.0 and Web1.0.

Web1.0 is used the machine to user, for example, when we browse the news or any information through Yahoo, those news and information were provided only by Yahoo Website. We cannot share the comments, ideas with someone. It is just like the one-way service. And any knowledge we get is passive, by contrast, the web 2.0 is a two/multi-way service, such as Blog, Wiki, Flicker and so on, any one can catch up the website and give some comments or share some ideas, photos instead. The idea of sharing stands for the term of 'Web2.0'. The information was being shared by each user, so everyone can be an expert to put their idea into the Website, in turn, the 21st-century of teacher education can take advantage of the new terms of technology as a tool to assess each pupil's learning, so and so, what is the role of a teacher ? I think the future teachers have to be smart, and do not have to be a hard worker for the paper work on day-to-day basis.

The ICT is so called Information and Communication Technology. What is that? That means the Information Technology is combined the Communication Technology together, and both of the technologies are driving the future of society, economy, any form of industry, especially, the area of education by using ICT is far behind of another form of industry. The students still sit in front of the table, and are fed the knowledge by the teachers. There is no innovation and creation in classroom. Students do not get engaged in any subject matters.

It is time to make the changes. Information Technology (computer, iPhone and interactive whiteboard) should be integrated the Communication Technology (Blog, Wiki, Flicker and YouTube) to assist each child's learning.

What is our role? As a future teacher, we must be familiar with those ICT first, after that, we would be able to assess each child's learning.

For me, I found out it is quite interesting. The more knowledge I gain, the smarter I am.

2010年4月10日 星期六

Week2- The Blog, WiKi, Mahara and WhiteBorad

Wow..... Amazing!!! The Technology in 21st Century. I admit that I am a digital immigration now.

Why do I say that? I remembered the mobile phone was used worldwide after the middle of 90s. The function of the mobile is simple - we just use it to call up or receive some one's phone call and the Internet was not popular at all, but now the mobile phone is being used in plenty of ways. It can be acted as a small portable computer, a MP3 player, a camera and so on. The Internet already impacts on my daily life. How important for me? I can stand I have no three meals a day, but I can not stand that I have no the Internet a day. I feel dead without the Internet.

After the Internet, the Blog and the Wiki were introduced to us. We have different ways to share each other's News, Data and Information. It is so much convenient to us. wow.... incredible!!! When the Whiteboard is introduced to the school, students don't feel bored. Because of the applied digital pedagogies, they are engaged in the lesson. Some abstract concept in Math, Physics become so much easier to them understood.

What would I say? I feel like a digital immigration now. How much digital technologies I have to catch up with, otherwise, I will be kicked out from the digital world.

Don't you feel that?

2010年4月7日 星期三

Week2- The Cyber Bully

I feel sad about that some kids did that Cyber Bully. No reason at all, they just want to tease someone else. Why do they have this kind of behaviour? If I were their parents, I would feel sorry for them, but how are going to change this behaviour?

Yes, the experts did give some ways to cope with. such as move the kid away from the computer, or watch the TV instead and let the child clam down for a few minutes. All of these were great, but I still have some doubts --- The victim has been hurt already, this is really bad way to them said that it was okay-- let them have a deep breath and ignore that.

For my point of view, as parents and teachers, both of them have to work together. Parents should communicate with teachers regularly so that they can take a notice of the child. Some moral courses should be introduced into the syllabus as a normal class. And school have some workshops regularly to talk about this issue --- Cyber Bullying.

If educator intervene in a early age of a child, the Cyber Bullying would be minimised its power.

What do you think?



little ladybug in Rocky

A student in CQU Rocky campus