2010年4月17日 星期六

Week 3 - The Web 2.0 and The ICTs

.....I am so out of the date about the technologies things. Why do I say that? Because I don't know what is the web 2.0 and what is the ICTs, now I've found out what these are.

The terms of ' Web 2.0' based on the idea of the 'Web1.0', but there is a big different between Web2.0 and Web1.0.

Web1.0 is used the machine to user, for example, when we browse the news or any information through Yahoo, those news and information were provided only by Yahoo Website. We cannot share the comments, ideas with someone. It is just like the one-way service. And any knowledge we get is passive, by contrast, the web 2.0 is a two/multi-way service, such as Blog, Wiki, Flicker and so on, any one can catch up the website and give some comments or share some ideas, photos instead. The idea of sharing stands for the term of 'Web2.0'. The information was being shared by each user, so everyone can be an expert to put their idea into the Website, in turn, the 21st-century of teacher education can take advantage of the new terms of technology as a tool to assess each pupil's learning, so and so, what is the role of a teacher ? I think the future teachers have to be smart, and do not have to be a hard worker for the paper work on day-to-day basis.

The ICT is so called Information and Communication Technology. What is that? That means the Information Technology is combined the Communication Technology together, and both of the technologies are driving the future of society, economy, any form of industry, especially, the area of education by using ICT is far behind of another form of industry. The students still sit in front of the table, and are fed the knowledge by the teachers. There is no innovation and creation in classroom. Students do not get engaged in any subject matters.

It is time to make the changes. Information Technology (computer, iPhone and interactive whiteboard) should be integrated the Communication Technology (Blog, Wiki, Flicker and YouTube) to assist each child's learning.

What is our role? As a future teacher, we must be familiar with those ICT first, after that, we would be able to assess each child's learning.

For me, I found out it is quite interesting. The more knowledge I gain, the smarter I am.





little ladybug in Rocky

A student in CQU Rocky campus