2010年4月17日 星期六

Week3 --- PBL(project-based Learning)

Huh....There is so much fun about the PBL. As we know the PBL- Project Based Learning, is a student-centered approach, students learn throght the teamwork. The teacher give student topic, and student start to find the information which is provided by teacher. Students then start to design their project based on the kowledge. Once the design has been done. Students will present thier project to experts. And students will participate in authentic environment to extend their learning. After that students will report their learning to be assessed. How wonderful it is!!.

Looking back my age of Learning, it was horrible time I really would not like to think back again. It was being given too much homework, too many tasks which I have to be done on time. Quizzes was being held everyday. The teachers were so much powerful toward every student. Students were like the puppet of teacher who drag students to this way, none could have a voice said 'NO'. The performance of each student was valued by their score. The higher score of students means the good performance and behaviour in school, conversely, the lower score of students were told the poor performance and behaviour in school. The development of self-esteem of students were suppressed, and also the feeling of students were not being respected.

PBL and new technology tools endue the 21st-century of education with a new prospection.

How am I use the PBL to assist pupil's learning?

First, I should organise a good topic for the pupils, such as cooking a meal. Students find the information to make their own recipe--what meal should they chose? What source should they use? What ingredient should they look at? etc.

Second, the basic project of cooking a meal have been finished, in turn, students will present their idea to the chef of the restaurant. Students then and chief work together to finish the project.

Third, the students report their feedback to this project.

Teachers in here are just like facilitators and also be learners to learn from students and chefs.

Please have a look this video:





little ladybug in Rocky

A student in CQU Rocky campus